planning a walt disney world vacation

You Should Not Be Paying For Disney Planning Services

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I watched a local news segment last week, and they talked about how complex planning a Disney vacation is (it was a slow news day). They say there are Disney planning classes you can take to master a Disney vacation. I’m here to tell you a secret: a Travel Agent can help with everything, AND you don’t have to pay a thing!

I’m not trying to steal anyone’s entrepreneurial spirit here or anything, but do people realize that they can get all of this information at no cost? I checked out three of these kinds of services online and I’m having a ethical crisis. I’m not going to call out the sites because I’m not trying to call anyone out. But one site is the site of a travel agency, and that agency is a Disney Ear-marked Gold producer and Disney Vacation Planner. They are selling a Genie+ masterclass. Aren’t you, as an agency taking away some of your value? Doesn’t that seem….wrong?

The other sites don’t appear to be agency-related, just moms who wrote an e-book and are selling it. I can’t really find fault in that, go for it, hope you are making money! However, you can get all of this information, and more, by using a Travel Agent (who is an Authorized Disney Vacation Planner). This isn’t something you pay for. And your travel agent is there with you all they way up until you get back from your trip! A PDF isn’t going to do that for you. Your TA is going to give you the tips and tricks to make your vacation perfect. Don’t buy something that is available to you for no cost.

Disney Vacation Planning and Guidance is a Free Service

I’m on a roll with my venting posts this week, but before you hand over your $39 or $99 or whatever, consider getting a travel agent to help you in your planning! Look for TA’s that have gone through the College of Disney Knowledge, are associated with an agency that is an Authorized Disney Vacation Planner, and even better, is an “Earmarked” Disney Producer. They shouldn’t be charging you for their knowledge, IMHO.

Check out what else is on the blog this week!